Friday, June 15, 2007

Cancer Theraphy

Investigators have found that injecting standard chemotherapy into the abdominal cavity—instead of intravenously alone—increases survival with advanced ovarian cancer by, on average, a remarkable 16 months.

What did the experiment test, and how credible are the results? The study, published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine, was a rigorous trial of 429 women who had Stage 3 ovarian cancer and were randomly assigned to receive chemotherapy either intravenously or through both the bloodstream and the abdomen (via a catheter).

What was the treatment like? Patients first underwent surgery to clear the abdominal area—including around the liver, spleen and under the diaphragm—of as much cancer as possible, followed by 18 weeks of chemo.

Why does where you give the chemotherapy make such a difference? Ovarian cancer is unusual in that it often spreads throughout the abdomen but not into the lymph nodes, so it is possible to focus treatment on just one part of the body.

How toxic are the drugs? Patients in both groups lost their hair and were at risk of developing fatal infections as well as nerve and kidney damage. The intra-abdominal-therapy patients became sicker midway through treatment and felt worse for as long as a year afterward. But even those who could tolerate the therapy for only a short time derived some benefit.

Is this the cure for ovarian cancer? No. As of November, more than 200 study participants had suffered a recurrence of their cancer and died. But the median survival rate was better than five years for the group that received intravenous and intra-abdominal chemotherapy, compared with a little more than four years for the intravenous-only group. That's a big gain when you realize success in cancer studies is usually measured in months, not years.

(time magazine).

Cancer Triggering Substances in Food

Where do the carcinogenic food substances locate ? As mentioned before, it should be noted that carcinornatosis is caused by the complex combination of many factors with culture of life, environment and so on. Therefore, not all such food will yield carcinomatosis.

They should thus be regarded as "major suspects".Such carcinogenic substances may be classified into several groups:

1. Those directly contained in the ingredient materials:
Cyclic hydrocarbon, butakiroside, cycasin (the fruit of cycas revoluta) commonly found in the astringent taste romaine lettuce

The isocyclic amine generated from burnt fish meat, alpha licarubolin contained in burnt peas, etc.

2. Substances derived from a heating process:
Nitrosamine given out on the surface when dried cuttlefish, dried fish are roasted in fire.

3. Food additives:
The coloring agent for sausages, ham, dried meat (substances represented by nitrosamine are given out
by nitrite during food processing)
Color stuffs, artificial seasoning, preservatives, anti-
bacteria and bleaching agents etc

4 Molds

Molds of peanuts, aflatoxin B 1.
Molds of rice, flavone, molds of pickled food.
Molds of biscuits, He toxin etc.

5. Substances given out in the body in the process of food

This occurs when the salty food hurts against the inner walls of the stomach, and similarly for very hot
porridge and rice, or taking excessively stimulating food.
Some of such food very often does not possess carcinogenic characteristics at all, depending of the
way of cooking and amount taken. What is most important to note in your eating habits is on control of
certain food, by not having "too much, too frequently".

(stay health everyone!).

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Cancer Causes part 2

    The Worrisome Causes:

  • Pesticides

    Everyone knows that pesticides are not good for you and can be poisonous. But what you didn't know is the extent of impact researchers are finding on pesticides and cancer. Pesticide "Bombs" in the home, termite control products, flea collars on pets, insecticides in the garden or orchard and herbicides for week control have all been proven to have direct impact on cancers, especially childhood cancers. The risk of leukemia increases by FOUR TO SEVEN times for children 10 or under whose parents use home or garden pesticides. Use of any of the aforementioned products can also be directly linked to increased risk for childhood brain cancer.

  • Lanolin

    Lanolin is a harmless product normally used on a baby's skin. The problem is that studies have found contaminates in Lanolin including carcinogenic pesticides and DDT. Make sure any Lanolin product is proven to be rid of these contaminants.

  • Cosmetics

    There is no startling evidence to say that cosmetic use will give you cancer. But the worrisome aspect of cosmetics is three fold. First, cosmetics are not regulated strongly by the FDA. The FDA only comes after a cosmetic after it has entered the market and generated complaints. They also do not require pre-market safety testing or FDA approval. Secondly, the human skin is extremely permeable. This means that things you put on it soak into your body and into your bloodstream including your cosmetic products which were not meant to be in your blood. Thirdly, many studies have found contaminants in a wide array of beauty products, and althought we could not find any direct studies that linked cosmetic products other than hair dye and talc containing products to cancer, we believe the risk is there.

  • X-Rays and Gamma Rays

    Exposure to these two types have radiation have been proven to be carcinogenic. The cancers they have been linked to include leukemia and cancers of the lung, breast, thyroid, salivary glands, stomach, colon, bladder, ovaries, central nervous system and skin. Childhood exposure to these two types of radiation seems to be more potent and more likely to develop leukemia and thyroid cancer in children. 55% of X-radiation exposure in humans is classified as medical or dental X-Rays, while the other 45% is from natural sources such as radon. While x-rays may be a necessity in certain medical situations, avoid them if at all possible. Also ensure that your home is tested for radon.

    The "Should Be" Obvious Causes:

  • Tobacco

    We categorize this as the most obvious carcinogen on the planet. Hopefully you have been educated enough to this point to know that all tobacco use, including smoke, chewing, and second hand smoke all cause various types of cancer and other diseases. The main purpose of this site is to let you know that there are other lifestyle choices and things in your daily life that cause cancer that aren't so obvious. But for those of you who haven't gotten the point, tobacco can cause: Lung Cancer, Laryngeal (Voice Box) Cancer, Oral and Esophageal Cancer, Stomach Cancer, and a whole slew of non-cancerous health problems. If you haven't gotten the point yet, don't use tobacco.

  • Unhealthy Diet

    Yes, a healthy diet can do a long way towards avoiding preventable cancer. Not only does a poor diet lead to heart disease, but many studies show a spike in cancers in the overweight and obese. You don't have to be a diet "nut" or be super skinny to qualify for having a healthy diet. We recommend ensuring your intake of vitamins and minerals through fruits, vegetables and a multivitamin. Obviously if you struggle with weight you know it's a battle, but hopefully now we can add a motivation for you, that obesity not only leads to heart disease and diabetes, it can lead to cancer.

  • Excess Sunlight

    This is probably the most widely known carcinogen next to tobacco. Sun exposure and sunburns have been proven time and time again to lead directly to skin cancer. Skin cancers are most common in light-skinned people, although they also occur in people with darker skin as well. Recent studies suggest that children and young adults are most likely to contract cancers from sun exposure, so it's up to you parents to keep your kids educated and protected against sun exposure. Remember people, sunblock is your friend!

  • Alcohol

    Not as widely known as a carcinogen, many studies have linked alcohol drinking and the risk factor for a number of cancers. Drinking alcohol increases the risk of cancers of the mouth, esophagus, pharynx, larynx, and liver in men and women, and of breast cancer in women. Studies have shown that risk factors begin to increase after consumption of 1-2 drinks per day, and grow as the number of drinks per day increase. Moderate alcohol consumption should still be considered a healthy activity, but bulk consumption and daily consumption of more than 1-2 drinks should be considered a serious health risk.

  • Asbestos

    "Asbestos" is the name given to a group of minerals that occur naturally as bundles of fibers. While this is a very broad classification, it is fitting since asbestos are found in such a large amount of materials. The building and construction industry uses asbestos regularly. Over 5,000 products contain asbestos. Asbestos can be directly linked to lung, larynx, oropharynx, gastrointestinal tract, and kidney cancer, as well as Mesothelioma�a relatively rare cancer of the thin membranes that line the chest and abdomen. Nearly every American will become exposed to asbestos at some point in their life, but similar to cigarettes, daily exposure is usually to blame for these cancers. If you work in the field of shipbuilding, asbestos mining, brake repair, demolition, drywall removal, and firefighting you are more likely to be exposed to asbestos. If so, when you are doing so it is best to wear a protective mask, and then immediately shower and clean your clothes after such exposure. It is up to the government to remove asbestos from things that may exposure humans and they have done a good job.

    The Questionable Causes:

  • Cell Phones

    There has been debate since the inception of cell phones about their possible link to brain cancer and tumors. There have been some studies that have attempted to link cell phone use to brain cancer, but the bigger, more recent, and more credible studies have all found no link. Conspiracy theorists argue that the cell phone companies are fueling many studies attempting to prove cell phones to be completely safe, but right now it seems that different researchers are debating this fact, with the current edge going to NOT causing cancer.

  • Artificial Sweeteners

    Since the introduction of artificial sweeteners there has been much debate on their impact on health. While lowering your sugar intake can undoubtedly be proven to be healthy for most consumers, the debate over the safety of their alternatives is in question. While studies on animals have linked a number of animal cancers to "old generation" sweeteners (saccharin, cyclamate and aspartame), there are no definitive reports linking any human cancers to use of artificial sweeteners. For "new generation" artificial sweeteners "acesulfame-K, sucralose, alitame and neotame", there hasn't been anyway near the amount of studies and inquiries made to provide any definitive answer. Until further notice, we can only wonder about the carcinogenic effects of certain artificial sweeteners. In the meantime, we suggest using artificial sweeteners in moderation and abiding by the old adage that "too much of anything is bad for you".

  • Caffeine

    Caffeine is a very tricky drug to diagnose in respect to carcinogenic characteristics. Some researchers attempt to link heavy caffeine intake via coffee to bladder cancer, and cell mutation associated with spreading of cancers (via caffeine's inhibiting of the protein kinases used in the body to "fix" damaged dna) , but no definitive studies have proven any of this. More studies have shown positive anticancer effects in relation to caffeine intake. Until a definitive study comes out, we cannot fully pass judgment on caffeine, but of course, in regards to any drug/chemical you intake, its always best to practice moderation.

  • Water Flouridation

    The CDC estimates that over 66% of US households receive fluoridated water in their homes. While dentists praise the healthy effects this has on teeth, skeptics have questioned the health risks of fluoride since it was introduced in the US, over 60 years ago. Since then a number of studies have attempted to link the fluoride in water to cancers, specifically osteosarcoma (a fairly rare bone cancer). For the most parts studies have been extremely inconclusive, mostly struggling due to the lack of ability to run an accurate test experiment. As it stands, it is proven that fluoride is crucial to a child�s tooth development and helps prevent tooth decay, but its links to cancer are inconclusive. Regulating your fluoride intake with bottled water or by contacting your local water company and making sure their level of fluoride is moderate is recommended.

article by

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Possible Causes of Cancer

Based on scientific studies and governmental reports, we have been able to compile this list of possible causes of cancer. Some are obvious, some are shocking, and some are myths that are exposed. Regardless, this is something you need to know. This is something your loved ones need to know. We will update this page anytime new data is present

The Shocking Causes:

  • Microwaved Food

    Simple logic makes you think that heating something with a microwave is just like heating something normally. It is not. A perfect example of this is human blood. Before human blood can be transfused, it must be warmed. If this is done in a microwave, it will KILL the patient. Microwaving is not an ideal form of heating something, and we recommend using other types of heating to warm food. But we understand the microwave is almost a necessity in this day and age, so if you have to use if, you must understand the dangers.

    The most striking issue is the use of plastics in a microwave. Studies are finding all kinds of potent carcinogens in microwaved plastic, which can seep into your food. If you need to microwave anything, even prepared TV dinners, take them out of their container and use a microwave safe plate or ceramic dish. No plastic, and especially no plastic wraps! Also do not warm a baby's bottle in a microwave. We have not been able to find any direct studies linking specific cancers to microwave use, but the proof of carcinogens being formed in food by microwaves, especially when plastics are involved, exists.

  • Hair Dyes

    It is becoming more and more clear that hair dyes are not very safe. Chemicals such as diaminoanisole and FD&C Red 33 are found in hair dyes, and scientists have directly classified both of these as carcinogens. This evidence is also supported by separate studies that link hair dyes to such rare cancers as: non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and multiple myeloma. Another study claims that at least 20% of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma found in women is caused by use of hair dyes.

    We do not have extensive detail on specifically what is bad about hair dyes, but experts have estimated that 20% of the non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cases found in women may have been cause by use of hair dye. Until more studies are done on this, or a hair dye proves itself to be safe, use hair dyes as sparingly as possible.

  • Talc

    Talk is a mineral that is mined and used in many household and cosmetic products. When talc is processed a minute fiber that is very similar to asbestos is not removed, and ends up in the products you take home. Talc is in many things in small quantities, but poses the biggest threat in powder form such as baby powder, medicated powers, perfumed powders and designer perfumed body powders. Inhalation of these powders has been linked to lung cancer, while ovarian cancer has been directly linked to women who use these powders in their lower region. Numerous other cancers may be linked to talcum powder use, but there isn't enough evidence to support it.

  • Meats and Eggs Cooked at High Temperatures

    When foods such as meats and eggs are cooked at high temperatures, heterocyclic amine compounds are formed inside the food. The compounds that are formed are also found in cigarette smoke. In-depth studies of this are very recent, but scientific testing on animals suggested a link between these compounds and cancer of the stomach, colon, liver, oral cavity, mammary gland, skin, and cecum. Older studies conducted on fried foods suggest a link between these compounds to breast and colorectal cancer. This whole topic is very new, and quite shocking. Fried meats are not good for you anyway, so removing them from your diet is going to be a health improvement for multiple reasons. But grilling and other types of cooking may also be hazardous, so please stay educated on this topic and be careful not to cook at temperatures that are extreme.

News by


What is Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer is a type of malignancy that begins in the oral cavity, which includes the lips, the inside of the lips and cheek, teeth and gums, the front portion of the tongue, the floor and roof of the mouth below the tongue, the bony roof of the mouth (hard palate), and the area behind the wisdom teeth.

Throat cancer (also called oropharyngeal cancer), develops in the area behind the mouth called the oropharynz. Often oral and throat cancer are discussed together because both the oral cavity and throat are involved in both breathing and eating. Saliva glands in both the mouth and throat help us digest the food we eat.

Types of Oral Cancer

Both cancers of the mouth (oral cancer) and throat (oropharyngeal cancer) can derive from different tissues that contain different types of cells in both the mouth and throat. These cell types can affect treatment and recovery.

Squamous cell carcinomas account for 90 percent of all oral and oropharyngeal cancers. Squamous cells make up the epithelium or lining of the mouth and throat. These cancers can spread beyond the top layer of epithelial tissue to become an invasive cancer. About 5 percent of squamous cell carcinomas of the mouth and throat are called verrucous cancer and rarely spread or metastasize beyond the original tumor site.

Cancer of salivary glands and lymph nodes of the mouth and throat and not included in oral cancers and are treated differently.


  • Approximately 34,360 Americans will be diagnosed with oral cancer (including pharyngeal) cancer in 2007, and 7,550 are estimated to die from the diseases.
  • The five-year survival rate is 60 percent for those with oral cancer, though it rises to 84 percent when detected early enough.
  • The incidence of oral and oropharyngeal cancer has dropped 5 percent in each of the last two years.
  • Men are twice as likely to suffer from oral cancer as women.


You can lower you risk of getting oral cancer by making certain lifestyle choices. The steps outlines below can serve as a guide to healthy living that may aid in preventing several cancers, including oral cancer.

  • Avoid any type of tobacco. About 90 percent of people with oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer have used tobacco.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol use or the combination of tobacco and alcohol. Oral cancer is about six times more common in drinkers than in non-drinkers. And the combination of the two habits increased risk significantly.
  • Avoid being outdoors during the middle of the day, when the sun's ultraviolet rays are strongest. Use lip balms containing a sunscreen of SPF 15 or more to protect against sunlight.
  • Increase dietary intake of fruits and vegetables and whole grain foods.
  • Have an annual oral cancer screening by your dentist or health care professional.


You are at greater risk if you:

  • Chew and/or smoke tobacco: About 90 percent of people with oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer use tobacco. The risk of developing these cancers increases exponentially with the amount of tobacco smoked or chewed and also with the length people have used tobacco. Smokers are six times more likely than nonsmokers to develop these cancers.
  • Abuse alcohol: About 75 to 80 percent of all patients with oral cancer drink a lot of alcohol. These cancers are about six times more common in drinkers than in nondrinkers.
  • Are age 40 and older: Half of all patients are over age 65.
  • Are a man: Oral and oropharyngeal cancer is twice as common in men as in women. This may be because men are more likely to use tobacco and alcohol.
  • Are an African-American man .
  • Are exposed to sunlight for long periods of time: More than 30 percent of patients with cancers of the lip have outdoor occupations associated with prolonged exposure to sunlight.
  • Maintain a diet low in fruits and vegetables.
  • Have human papillomavirus (HPV): The types of HPV found in cervical cancer are found in about 20 to 30 percent of oral cancers, but are also found in just a little more than 10 percent of samples of normal oral tissue. People with oral cancer associated with HPV infection have a better outlook than those without HPV. They are also less likely to be smokers and drinkers.
  • Have a vitamin A deficiency


In the early stages of oral cancer, there are usually no symptoms. Others may experience any of the following symptoms:

  • A white or red lesion on the gum, tongue or mouth lining
  • A lump or mass, which can be felt inside the mouth or neck
  • Pain or difficulty chewing, swallowing or speaking
  • Hoarseness lasting for a long time
  • Numbness of the tongue or other areas of the mouth
  • Swelling of the jaw
  • Loosening of the teeth
  • Pain in the mouth that doesn't go away
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Weight loss

Early Detection

To help detect oral cancer in its earliest stages conduct a monthly self-examination by looking in a mirror to check for any of the symptoms. Have regular dental checkups that include an examination of the entire mouth. And a sk your primary health care professional to examine your mouth and throat as part of a routine cancer-related checkup.

A thorough oral examination should include looking at the roof and floor of the mouth, back of the throat and insides of the cheeks and lips. Your tongue should be pulled gently out and your health care professional should check both the sides and underneath of the tongue. All lymph nodes in your neck should also be checked.

If an exam shows an abnormal area, a biopsy will be performed in which a small sample of tissue is and examined for cancer cells.

New early detection tools are being studied, including the use of fiber optics and dietary compounds from black raspberries.


Several types of surgery are used to treat oral cancer. The type of procedure depends on the location and stage of the cancer. Oral cancer is characterized in stages from Stage 1 (the cancer is no more than 2 cm and has not spread to lymph nodes) through Stage IV (the cancer has spread to tissues around the lip and oral cavity and/or has spread to lymph nodes on one or both sides of the neck).

There are several types of surgical procedures used – surgery aims to remove as much of the cancer as possible and help restore the appearance and function of the tissues affected by the cancer. A primary tumor resection removes the tumor and surrounding tissue to prevent cancer cells from remaining. Other procedures include a full or partial mandible resection in which part of the jaw bone is removed when cancer is present, a maxillectomy, which involves removal of part of the roof of the mouth, or Moh's surgery, which is used on cancers of the lip to remove the tumor in thin slices. Other procedures are performed if the cancer has moved to the larynx or to lymph nodes in the neck.

External radiation (high energy x-rays kill cancer cells when aimed on the outside of the body) or internal radiation (use of a radioactive materials put directly on or near the cancerous tissue) and chemotherapy alone or in combination may follow surgery. Frequently plastic surgery is performed to restore speech and the ability to eat more normally.

Content from

Monday, June 11, 2007

Basic Knowledge On Cancer and Tumors

What are cancerous tumors ?

Cells make up organs in our body. So long as they live on, they are in the process of splitting, forming new cells.

Apart from the exceptional cranial nerves cells that stop growing since the day of birth, without undergoing any splitting, cells of all other organs have varying life-spans during which they split.

Cells such as white blood cells only survive for 1 or 2 days, whereas, muscular cells live on for several months. The time required for splitting of the cells is usually 6 to 8 hours which are not related to their life-spans. Thus, no matter at any time, there is repeated and continual splitting of cells in the body, cell splitting under present discussion, or growth, is to maintain a stable condition for all organs and tissues and is a physiological phenomenon under . precise control which makes the body healthy and stable. For instance, when part of the liver is incised in a operation, the remaining cells of the liver will steadily grow under cerebral signals within a
time-span to restore to normal size before the operation. This is one of the most important and major functions of cells.

Then what happens if the cells, which resemble a precision computer inside the body, suddenly lose their normal functions and are out of control ? The cells will fail to receive the command to stop growth, and will repeatedly grow without a limit.

Perhaps, someone may think:

"Will it be nice to keep on generating new cells all the time ?„

However, the cells, which continuously grow before the end of their life, may exceed the capacity of the tissue and form into an abnormal stiff lump, which may possibly damage the organs and tissues from within.

Usually, we call this stiff lump "tumor", of which those affecting life to a lesser extent are known as "benign tumors" whereas those being dangerous and likely to cause death are known as "malignant tumors" The so-called "cancerous tumor" is a disease of malignant tumor.

Features of malignant tumors

Why may malignant tumors in a carcinomatosis endanger life ? We are going to explain the features and functions of malignant tumors.

When the malignant tumor expands, it presses against the surrounding cells and tissues, showing its invasive nature (invading the outlying tissues) and metastasis nature (being implanted on other organs through body liquid and cavity and grow there).

It is commonly recognized that these malignant tumors are caused by damaged DNA, which lost control in the formation of cells, which merely multiply by repeated growth. The cells grow uncontrollably by unlimited splitting, and when they expand to the adjacent tissues, they
tend to destroy the normal cells and tissues.

What is even more worrying is the human body is filled with blood vessels and lymphatic glands, which may carry the abnormal cells from one tissue to another, where they start to split and grow. These are special features of cancerous tumors -- invasion and metastasis.

Causes of having cancerous tumors

The cancerous cells which undergo repeated invasion and metastasis are originally formed by splitting from one cell. Even though the benign tumor, which slowly grows in a place, does not endanger life, yet only one cell of the malignant tumor, which consistently invade and migrate, is
sufficient to cause death. Such cancerous cells grow at different pace from several weeks to several tens of years depending on the different types of carcinomatosis. Generally speaking, they undergo several stages of change repeatedly within the period of 10 to 20 years. A cancerous cell grows to roughly 1 gm by 30 splitting and to 1 kg by 40 splitting. The period between the
30 to 40 times is the most important one to fight against the carcinomatosis.

When the cells split to 30 times, the cancerous tumor is no larger than the tip of a finger, which is difficult to be noticed with human eyes for the irregularity. However, in just a short time later, it grows to the size of a fist when the cells split by 40 times. Human beings are at the moment
unable to do anything about such cancerous tumors. During the period from early to final stage of cancer development, that is, when the cells repeatedly split by 30 times to 40 times, it is most essential to keep the cancerous tumor under control howsoever.

What then are the reasons for causing abnormal splitting of cells which gives rise to a cancerous tumor ?

As I have just mentioned, if the gene - DNA, which forms up the cell, is damaged, it will lose control. Next, I am going to explain why the damaged DNA will give rise to tumor.

The human body has basic instinct to relieve toxic. For instance, it may distinguish any intruding chemical or other abnormal substances that are "harmful to the body" and excrete them out of the body as excretions. If a carcinogenic substance, on disrupting the toxic-relief protection of the
body and accumulates in it, the DNA in the cell will suffer harm abnormally. As you may know, DNA is like a plan of genes. Due to the said harm the design plan is marked with incorrect lines and diagrams.

In this way, the normal tissue will undergo sudden structural change to generate gene of invasive and malignant nature. The malignant genes disperse in the cell in a continuous and abnormal way. The abnormal phenomenon, which adversely affects the functions of the cells, causing them to
grow in such a rapid pace, in line with the increase in the number of cells, as to form into a cancerous tumor with invasive and metastasis characteristi

Normal cells and cancerous cells

By reference to: “Medical encyclopedia for family” ( Bulletin of Housewife and Living)

Article reproduced from

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Milk: America’s Health Problem

Why is American Milk Banned in Europe?

  • American dairy milk is genetically-modified unless it’s labeled “NO rBGH”
  • Genetically-engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH) in milk increases cancer risks.

American dairy farmers inject rBGH to dairy cows to increase milk production.

European nations and Canada have banned rBGH to protect citizens from IGF-1 hazards.

Monsanto Co., the manufacturer of rBGH, has influenced U. S. product safety laws permitting the sale of unlabeled rBGH milk. (Monsanto would lose billions of dollars if rBGH were banned in America.)

Q. Is there any milk not contaminated with rBGH and IGF-1?
A. Yes. Milk that is clearly labeled “NO rBGH” is free of rBGH and does not contain excess levels of IGF-1.

Q. What about cheeses?
A. American-made cheeses are contaminated with rBGH and excess levels of IGF-1 unless they’re labeled “NO rBGH”. Imported European cheeses are safe since Europe has banned rBGH.

IGF-1 and Milk: Q&A

Q. What is IGF-1?
A. Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1)is a normal growth factor. Excess levels have been increasingly linked by modern research to human cancer development and growth.

Q. How does IGF-1 get into milk?

A. In 1994, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of the recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH). According to rBGH manufacturers, injections of rBGH causes cows to produce up to 20 percent more milk. The growth hormone also stimulates the liver to increase IGF-1 levels in the milk of those cows. Recently, Eli Lilly & Co., a manufacturer of rBGH, reported a ten-fold increase in IGF-1 levels in milk of cows receiving the hormone. IGF-1 is the same in humans and cows, and is not destroyed by pasteurization. In fact, the pasteurization process actually increases IGF-1 levels in milk.

Q. How does rBGH milk containing IGF-1, affect, humans?

A. After the rBGH milk is consumed, IGF-1 is not destroyed by human digestion. Instead, IGF-1 is readily absorbed across the intestinal wall. Additional research has shown that it can be absorbed into the bloodstream where it can effect other hormones.

Q. Is IGF-1 likely to increase the risk of specific kinds of cancer?
A. It is highly likely that IGF-1 promotes transformation of normal breast cells to breast cancers. In addition, IGF-1 maintains the malignancy of human breast cancer cells, including their invasiveness and ability to spread to distant organs. (Increased levels of IGF-1 have similarly been associated with colon and prostate cancers.) The prenatal and infant breast is particularly susceptible to hormonal influences. Such imprinting by IGF-1 may increase future breast cancer risks, and may also increase the sensitivity of the breast to subsequent unrelated risks such as mammography and the carcinogenic and estrogen-like effects of pesticide residues in food, particularly in pre-menopausal women.

Q. Are cows adversely affected by elevated IGF-1 levels?
A. Cows injected with rBGH show heavy localization of IGF-1 in breast (udder) epithelial cells. This does not occur in untreated cows. Cows are also affected in other ways by rBGH, through increased rates of mastitis, an udder infection. Industry data show up to an 80 percent incidence of mastitis in hormone-treated cattle, resulting in the contamination of milk with significant levels of pus. Mastitis requires the use of antibiotics to treat, which leaves residues to pass on through the milk for human consumption.

Q. What does the FDA say about IGF-1?

A. The FDA has trivialized evidence for increased levels in rBGH milk and insist that any such increases in IGF-1 are not dangerous, and do not pose a health risk. However, a 1990 study by Monsanto, the leading maker of rBGH, explicitly revealed statistically significant evidence of growth promoting effects. Feeding relatively low doses of IGF-1 to mature rats for only two weeks resulted in statistically significant and biologically highly significant systemic effects: increased body weight; increased liver weight; increased bone length; and decreased epiphyseal width. The FDA has failed to investigate the effects of long-term feeding of IGF-1 and treated milk on growth. Furthermore, the FDA has been hostile to the labeling of rBGH milk. The agency has prohibited dairy producers and retailers from labeling their milk as "hormone-free," The FDA states that such labeling could be "false or misleading" under federal law. Monsanto is suing several milk producers for using the label.

Q. What have other scientists said about IGF-1?
A. Concerns about increased levels of IGF-1 in milk from cows treated with rBGH are not new. In 1990, the National Institutes of Health Consensus panel on rBGH expressed concerns about adverse health effects of IGF-1 in rBGH milk, calling for further study on health impacts, particularly infants. In 1991, the Council on Scientific Affairs of the American Medical Association stated:" Further studies will be required to determine whether the ingestion of higher than normal concentrations of bovine insulin-like growth factor is safe for children, adolescents and adults." Unfortunately, these studies were never done,


1. Do not buy milk from cows treated with rBGH. Unless the milk-label states “NO rBGH”, you can assume the milk is contaminated. rBGH has become so widely used by dairy farmers. Most health food stores sell rBGH-free milk.

2. Contact your local supermarket and find out if they have a policy regarding rBGH and milk. Make clear that you would like rBGH-free milk.

3. Write to the FDA and express your concern that they are restricting the labeling of rBGH-free milk.


Epstein, S. S. Potential public health hazards of biosynthetic milk
hormones. International Journal of Health Services, 20:73-84, 1990.

Epstein, S. S. Unlabeled milk from cows treated with biosynthetic
growth hormones: A case of regulatory abdication. International Journal of Health Services, 26(1):173-185, 1996.


Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., Chairman

Cancer Prevention Coalition
2121 West Taylor Street, M/C 922

Chicago, IL 60612
(312) 996-2297